Binaries patchlevel 3.x

  • Debian / Ubuntu repository.
  • Crobots Win64 x86-64 (console) executable, 64-bit binary compatible (it compiles into / runs 64-bit crobots binaries).
  • Crobots Win32 i386 (console) executable, 64-bit binary compatible (it compiles into / runs 64-bit crobots binaries).
  • Crobots macOS (Darwin) arm64 (console) executable, 64-bit binary compatible (it compiles into / runs 64-bit crobots binaries).
  • Crobots macOS (Darwin) x86_64 (console) executable, 64-bit binary compatible (it compiles into / runs 64-bit crobots binaries).
  • Crobots PowerPC64 RISC 6000 AIX 5.3 (gcc compiler) binary.
  • Crobots PA-RISC2.0 HP-UX binary.
  • Crobots PowerPC64 Playstation3 binary.
  • Crobots SUN Solaris9 UltraSparc SparcV9 ELF.
  • Crobots G5 Mac OS X 10 binary.

Robots source code archives


  • :: Official :: Crobots Batch Tournament Manager in Golang on GitHub: run tournaments or benchmarks using Golang. Please, read the user guide.
    Available builds here
  • Crobots Batch Tournament Manager in Python on GitHub: run tournaments or benchmarks using Python scripts in a UNIX/Linux box. Please, read the user guide.
  • Crobots Tournament Manager, written by Michelangelo Messina:
  • Version 8.3 of the log parsing Count by Simone Ascheri and Michelangelo Messina:
  • Crobots PreProcessor command parser, by Marco Giovannini:
  • E.C.A.T., "self-learning" Crobots (ppc0.9 or sup. is required): E.C.A.T., unified for Dos and Linux
  • CrobotsHelper2.0 by Marco Pranzo, to manage all utilities. For Windows only.
  • TorneoGUI v1.1 by Michelangelo Messina, a graphical IDE for txp, count, Crobots e PPC. For Windows only.


Unsupported (and deprecated) versions. Just for the sake of nostalgia...
  • Crobots binary for Linux ELF-i386-glibc2 (libc6): crobots-bin-glibc.gz (24 kB).
  • Package of Crobots for MS-DOS : (52kB) - classic version.
  • Package of Crobots for Amiga : (85kB). You can also find it on the AmiNet repository here.
  • Utility for "too fast" PCs... (13kB) - use this with the classic version of Crobots.