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Crobots Tournament 2011 Rules
Crobots 2011 Tournament
Last update: 10 Jan 2010
The first days of February 2011 will take place the annual of crobotic programming tournament.
The registrations are completely free of charge and are opened to contenders of every Country: you have only to complete this form.
Obviously the Crobots v.3.0 compiler will be used with the limit of 2000 instructions for each robot!
Tournament's results will be published in real time on the official web site at real-time page. Challengers must observe the following rules, to avoid the exclusion from the event:Warning: all the robots that do not respect even one of the conditions written above will automatically be excluded from the tournament.
- The robots must be uploaded before 12.00 pm CET of the 31th of January 2011. It will be considered the delivering date recorded on DataBase Server.
- The source code of the robot must be commented, and must contain name and surname of the author and (if you want) email address. Every robot must contain a short descriptive card that explaines its strategy and the main aspects of its behavior. Such card mustn't include the personal identifying data of the author, comprehensive of a telephone delivery due to observing the privacy's laws. Since the sources of the robots (without the cards) will be publically distributed, it is not required that such sources contain personal identifying datas.
- Robots and descriptions must be saved in pure ASCII format files (charset US-ASCII: do not use special characters or accented letters, do not use word processor!).
- Files must be sent to the attention of the organizer exclusively through this form
Sending his creation to the Tournament, the author accepts implicitly that it will be freely distributed in the public dominion using the opensource licence known as Gnu/GPL v.2.0.
Prizes: once the correct number of participants will be known, the Tournament Team might unquestionablely decide a prize list such e-books (PHP, SQL, Java programming) for the global (size unlimited) tournament.Any form of sponsorship which makes the most of this Tournament, improves its visibility and increases the number of competitors is well-liked.
Technical regulations (definitive):
Every challenger can send from a minimum of one to a maximum of four robots, with the lower limit of zero robot for category and the upper limit like explained in the followings:
The first robot could lie in the limit of the 500 instructions (<=500 instructions). For the second robot such limit is elevated to 1000 while the third robot will be able to take advantage of the entire space available in the Crobots compiler (2000 instructions). Finally the author can choose the category to which the last challenger belongs.
The tournaments will be three. The first one will be reserved to the robots under the limit of the 500 instructions. The second will see the comparison between ALL the robots under the 1000 instructions while the third event will see challenging all the robots together, without care for their dimension.
Rules of combat (valid for all the three tournaments):Notes:
- The robots will be subdivided into groups (if their number exceeds that maximum concurred for the finalists, this year fixed to 32) compounded to the maximum of 24 robots (*). They will face themselves both in a single opponent modality (f2f) that in the modality 4vs4 (every robot at the same time fights with the others three present ones in the arena) and the brand new 3vs3 (every robot at the same time fights with the others two present ones in the arena). The repetition factor is fixed at least to 5000 for the f2f modality , while for the 4vs4 and 3vs3 modalities a sufficient number of repetitions will be used to make to dispute for each distinguished couple of crobots at least 2000 encounters.
The limit of the maximum CPU/cycles (virtual) for every instance of match will be set to 200000.- Scores will be assigned according to the Pranzo's schema:
- 12 points to the winner;
- 3 points to each of the survivors of a two survivor's draw;
- 2 points to each of the survivors of a three survivor's draw;
- 1 points to each of the survivors of a four survivor's draw if damages that the robot has received are greater than 40%;
- 0 points to each of the survivors of a four survivor's draw if damages that the robot has received are lower than 40%;
- The final result of a single group will be the weighted average of the three partial results: in order to emphasize the greater importance of the 4vs4 modality the weight assigned to this modality is fixed equal to 5, while the one for the f2f is fixed equal to 1 and 3 for the 3vs3 modality.
- The first eight robots of every group (each of which is composed of maximum 32 robots) will reach directly the next round, while the classified from ninth to the seventeenth place will dispute a group between themselves to pass the turn (the first eight robots of it).
- In case the number of robots exceeds the number of 32 we will go back to point 1.
- The final of the tournament will be disputed following the same rules.
(*) The rules of admission to the final group, from qualification's groups and re-ranking groups could endure to little variations, after registrations are concluded, once the correct number of participants will be known, in order to allow the optimal development of the tournament.
The official utilities used for the management of all the tournament are the last versions available on Download link of Crobots Tournament Manager Java and Count.
Enjoy yourself!